Thursday 1 February 2018

The 'Two Beasts' In 'Revelation Ch. 13'

The ‘Two Beasts’ in ‘Revelation Ch.13’

As we know, the end-time prophecies mentioned in the Biblical Book of Revelation are highly symbolic and can be understood accurately, only if they are revealed from Heaven.

But thanks to Lord Jesus & Mother Mary who has already revealed the symbolic meaning of the ‘Two Beasts’ through the genuine visionaries – ‘Fr. Stefano Gobbi’, Vassula Ryden & ‘Maria Divine Mercy’.

Now the ‘First Beast’ is mentioned in Rev 13:1-10 and the ‘Second Beast’ is mentioned in Rev 13:11-18.

Virgin Mary revealed to Fr. Stefano, that the ‘First Beast’ is the ‘Masonry’ (rooted in Europe) represented by the ‘False Christ’. And the ‘Second Beast’ is the ‘Masonry infiltrated into the interior of Ecclesial life in order to destroy Christ and his Church’ (Masonry Clergy). {See Message #407 dated 17 June 1989 in ‘The Blue Book’}.

Jesus revealed to Vassula, that the ‘First Beast’ is ‘Freemasonry’ (rooted in Europe) and the ‘Second Beast’ is the ‘Ecclesial Freemasonry’ (Masonry Clergy) represented by a Clergyman also known as ‘False Prophet’. {See Message dated 5-29 August 1990 in ‘True Life In God’}.

Similarly, Jesus revealed to MDM, that the ‘First Beast’ with the ten horns is the ‘European Union’ which is also referred as ‘Babylon’. {See Message dated 7 December 2012 in ‘The Book of Truth’}. And the ‘False Prophet’ is the Clergyman who is elected as Pope after the dethroning of ‘Pope Benedict XVI’ {See Message dated 12 April 2012 in ‘The Book of Truth’}.

Now from the prophecies of ‘Lord Jesus and Virgin Mary’ to Fr. Stefano, Vassula & MDM, we can easily perceive that:

* The ‘First Beast’ is ‘FREEMASONRY controlled EUROPEAN UNION with SEBASTIAN KURZ as their representative Leader in the World’.

* The ‘Second Beast’ is ‘FREEMASONRY controlled CLERGY with CARDINAL BERGOGLIO as their representative Leader in the Church’.

In the Bible, we also read that the ‘Second Beast’ is the one who prepares the world to worship the ‘First Beast’ whose number is 666.

And Jesus revealed to MDM , that the ‘False Prophet’ acts like the ‘Precursor’ of the ‘False Christ’ (15 Oct 2013). Now in the Bible, just like the ‘True Prophet’ – ‘John the Baptist’ prepared the people and led them to the ‘True Christ’, so also the ‘False Prophet’ prepares the people to lead them to the ‘False Christ’.

In other words the ‘Second Beast’ also manifest itself as the ‘False Prophet’ as mentioned in ‘Rev 16:13, 19:20, 20:10.
And the ‘First Beast’ also manifest itself as the ‘False Christ’ as mentioned in ‘2 Thesis 2:3-4’.

Reading the ‘Holy Bible’ and the ‘Book of Truth’, we also come to know that the ancient ‘Fourth Beast’ (Roman Empire) having ‘ten horns’ as mentioned in Daniel 7:7,23,’ is the same Beast which manifests at present as the ‘First Beast’ (European Union) in ‘Revelation 13:1-10’.

And its ancient ‘Little Horn’ (Young Hero – Titus Flavius) who in 70 A.D. destroyed Jewish Jerusalem at the age of 31, manifests now in its present ‘Little Horn’ (Young Hero – Sebastian Kurz) who in 2018 A.D. is 31 years old and has proposed a plan of sending EU military to the Middle-East.

Source: MDM Prophecies


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