Thursday 1 February 2018

Antichrist Sebastian Kurz Prophecies In 'True Life In God' - TLIG Vassula Ryden

Prophecies Concerning Antichrist
Sebastian Kurz in ‘TLIG – Vassula Rydén’

Note: For a clearcut understanding of the Antichrist & the False Prophet, please read first:

The 'Two Beasts' In 'Revelation Ch. 13'

Just as the ‘Coming of Christ’ takes place in two ways: I.e. presently ‘In ones Life’ (private/spiritual) & lastly ‘In the World’ (public/physical), so also the ‘TLIG’ Messages present the ‘Coming of Antichrist’ in two ways: I.e. presently ‘In ones Life’ (private/spiritual) & lastly ‘In the World’ (public/physical). In TLIG, the ‘Antichrist’ is also referred as: ‘False Christ’, ‘Rebel’, ‘Black Beast’, ‘Cain’, false ‘High Priest’, Lawless, a ‘Mortal Man’….


Jesus: “…the Antichrist is the spirit of Rebellion given by Satan, as Scriptures define him: the Rebel, who is the disastrous abomination set up in My Temple of which the prophet Daniel spoke of…” – 27 June 1991 (p. 188)

“… the spirit of rebellion given by the Rebel (Antichrist); the world has exchanged My Divinity for a worthless imitation: a mortal man (Sebastian Kurz), it has given up Divine Truth for a Lie; but, it has been said, that at the end of Time, Satan will set to work and that there will be all kinds of miracles and a great deal of a deceptive show of signs (2 Th. 2:9-12) and portents and everything evil that can deceive those who are bound for destruction because they would not grasp the Love of the Truth which could have saved them; this is the reason why I am sending a power to delude them and make them believe what is untrue, is; to condemn all who refused to believe in the truth and chose wickedness instead; the power of the Rebel (Freemasonry-EU-K***), is such that he has without any fear appeared openly now to everyone; this is the one of which the prophet Ezekiel spoke of, the one swollen with pride, the one who claims to be God, the one who apes the Truth, the one who considers himself as My equal and says that he sits on My Throne; the Rebel is indeed the Enemy of My Church, the Antichrist, the man who denies the Holy Trinity; have you not read: “the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ – he is a liar, he is Antichrist and he is denying the Father as well as the Son, because no one who has the Father can deny the Son, and to acknowledge the Son is to have the Father as well;” (1 Jn 2:22-23) these doctrines of Satan teach you to believe in reincarnation, whereas there is no reincarnation; they keep up the outward appearance of religion but have rejected the inner power of it: the Holy Spirit and the Holy Communion, My child; Satan goes disguised as an angel of light to deceive many, and together with the Rebel (Freemasonry-EU-K***) he will confer great honours on those who will acknowledge him, by giving them wide authority and by farming out the land at a price (Dn 11:39);…” – 19 April 1992 (p. 35)

“… I had forewarned you that when you would see the disastrous abomination, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, set up in the Holy Place; that is, when you see the Enemy take his place where he ought not to be, and that is in My Dwelling Place, when you see this Rebel claiming to be so much greater than all that men call ‘god’, so much greater than anything that is worshipped, that he enthrones himself in My Sanctuary and claims that he is God, know that this was a foresign given before the Sign of the Son of Man appearing now in heaven to save you…” – 23 December 1993 (p.195-196)

“…I will call and you will be available; the rest of My Messages now will be given to you promptly before the day of the Antichrist’s (Freemasonry-EU-K***) appearance…” – 31 March 1995 (p. 29)

“… During the three-and-a-half days, all heavenly prophecy will be silenced, which will be the time of the reign of the Antichrist (K***). “A time and two times and a half a time; and all these things are going to happen when he who crushes the power of the holy people meets his end…” – 31 March 1995 (p. 30)

“… I know your hardships and your misery, but soon, very soon now I shall come and overturn the rebel (Antichrist K***) and reign in your hearts, generation…” – 18 July 1991

“… I will show the world how wicked it was, how they befriended the Rebel (Antichrist K***) and dialogued with him rather than with the Holy One…” – 19 September 1991

“… citadel after citadel is being besieged by the Rebel…” – 24 December 1991 (p. 262)

“… they are not listening to Our Two Hearts; but it had been said that the Rebel, that is the spirit of Rebellion, who “speaks words against the Most High and harasses the Saints of the Most High” will challenge My Power; this spirit of Rebellion “considers changing seasons and My Law”, look around you only and you will understand…” – 31 January 1992 (p.10)

“… I am calling you back to Me; believe in My distressed calls; will your soul continue to befriend the Rebel (K***), or will you deign to come down from your throne and repent? it is for you to decide…” – 13 December 1992 (p. 108)

“…. Vassula, I will, with great thunder and with My Fire, overthrow this Rebel (K***) and all his followers; I will trample their shelter, since it was made out of Falsehood and bring into a heap of dust their refuge, since its foundations were made out of Lies…” – 30 January 1989 (p.163)

“… serve Me, why serve Unholiness? be Mine, not the Rebel’s, why are you so willing to serve the Rebel (K***)? even foreigners, even these have listened to My Voice and have understood My Words…” – 20 January 1989 (p.245)

“… elevate your souls by praying, grow in holiness, grow in the Love God is offering you so abundantly; never listen to the Rebel (K***); leave no empty space in your heart for the demon to be allowed to tempt you…” – 22 September 1989 (p.246)

“… stay awake, praying at all times for strength to stand with confidence by Me; hear Me: this Rebel’s (Freemasonry-EU-K***) sins have reached up all the way to Heaven and aroused My entire Justice, followed by an Infinite Grief in My Soul, to have to condemn him and his entire stock; – My Father created them with delight and great Love, and I have loved them and sacrificed Myself to redeem not only the just but the unjust too; I laid down My Life for them, but he and his clan, instead, turned against Me with full conscience to wreck his faith…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.81)

“…I tell you: once the oppression is over and the ruler of the underworld chained and those who trample My Son’s Sacrifice underfoot gone away, from within the House you are in, a man of good omen will stand up, flaring like a torch to restore My Santuary and My Name thrice Holy…. and the Rebel’s (Kurz's) kingdom shall fall…” – 3 January 1996 (p.88)

“…for as much as you (Freemasonry-EU-K***) hear the footsteps of the false prophet (Freemasonry-Clergy-Berg*****) and his clan on the surface of this earth, all the more will I make you hear My Own Footsteps to wipe off with My Blood the traces of venom they leave on their path for you as bait…” – 12 September 1990 (p. 88)

“… this Rebel (K***) and his clan are thriving now; concealed in robes of High Priest, concealed as lamb, concealed as the Truth, to deceive many and lead them all to their death; I am not speaking in parables now but in direct words; the Times are here, those Times foretold in Scripture, when My enemies will be conferring a title that does not belong to Me and is not Me: a false Christ (K***), a lifeless image, a false god; an idol, subtly hidden under a false ecumenism…” – 12 September 1990 (p. 88)

“… it has been said that by force the Rebel (Freemasonry-EU-K***) will feed you one day a portion of Rationalism and the other day a portion of Naturalism with the intention to abolish and extinguish the little light that is left in you, you who are My temple; the Invader has invaded many of My Citadels, forcing his disastrous abomination inside you and abolishing My Perpetual Sacrifice (Holy Eucharist) from within you to erect in its place a worthless imitation, an image of mortal man (K***), which is an abomination in My Holiness…” – 2 June 1991 (p.178)

“…very soon now I shall come and overturn the rebel (K***) and reign in your hearts…” – 18 July 1991 (p.194)

“…I will show the world how wicked it was, how they befriended the Rebel (K***) and dialogues with him rather than with the Holy One…” – 19 September 1991 (p. 221)

“… have I not said: you shall not give false witness or testimony? yet from the core of My Sanctuary where lies the lance’s blade (False Prophet Berg*****), where among My Abels are the Cains too, this Commandment is not obeyed too; Cain’s (K***) appointed priests are sent out now to the four corners of the earth, not to bear witness on Me as the Resurrected, nor on My Sacrifice, but to condemn My Word by aping Scriptures, and to teach all nations a False Christ (K***), under a false ecumenism, giving the world a portion of Rationalism and Naturism, a defiled food: a Lie…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.78)

“…rebellion is at its work already, but in secret, and the one who is holding it back has first to be removed, before the Rebel (K***) appears openly…” – 17 March 1993 (p.130)

“… you will say, “why have You handed Your Holy Place over to the power of the beast? are we not to drink Your Wine anymore? are we not to eat Your Bread anymore? are we not to plant vineyards any longer? are we compelled now to obey the Lawless (K***) and the ones who are under the dominion of the beast (Freemasonry-EU)…” – 22 December 1993 (p.192-193)

“…I had forewarned you that when you would see the disastrous abomination, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, set up in the Holy Place; that is, when you see the Enemy take his place where he ought not to be, and that is in My Sanctuary, My Dwelling Place, when you see this Rebel (K***) claiming to be so much greater than all that men call ‘god’, so much greater than anything that is worshipped, that he enthrones himself in My Sanctuary and claims that he is God, know that this was a foresign given before the Sign of the Son of Man appearing now in heaven to save you…” – 23 December 1993 (p.195-196)

“…Rebellion is already at its work, but in secret, and the one who is holding it back has first to be removed, before the Rebel (K***) profanes openly My Sanctuary; O how many of you will fall by his flatteries! but My own will not give ground, instead, they will offer their lives for My cause; I tell you, with tears in My Eyes: “you will, My people, be tested by fire by this invader….” his siege-works are already spreading out in the world; the lion has left his lair …. listen this time and understand: the invader is a scholar, these scholars who follow the Beast and who deny My Divinity, My Resurrection and My Traditions; these are of which Scriptures say: “being swollen with pride, you have said: I am a god; I am sitting on the Throne of God, surrounded by the seas; though you are a man and not a god, you consider yourself the equal of God (Ezek 28:2)….” – 3 October 1994 (p. 249)

“… the worst has to come, nothing can be brought forth all at once; My Father will reveal His Mighty Hand to the poor, but to the apostates and to the Rebel (K***), a hurricane of fire from the east will scorch them because of all the filthy things they have done…” – 18 December 1994 (p. 276-277)

“… the Divider’s power has infiltrated like smoke into My House to besiege My land; his destructive work is strong and his favourite targets are My consecrated souls; he turns their thoughts to follow the passions of their hearts; the Rebel (K***), wherever he passes leaves his curse behind…” – 12 February 1996 (p. 99)

“… I will attend tenderly to your needs; multiply your prayers, since in these days, rebellion is growing; rebellion comes from Satan who was the first Rebel (first Antichrist); blessed is he who believes that the Promise made by Me would be fulfilled! I tell you most solemnly, the hour of rebellion has come, the hour of this one who claims to be so much greater than all that men call “god”, is here, and he is among you; his desire is to enthrone himself in My Sanctuary to hiss in his doctrine …. profaning My Institution of the Eucharist; he and his like wish to abolish My Perpetual Sacrifice; he wishes to break My Covenant and My Law; then once this is done, he will flatter many by conferring great honours on them; this is why many will acknowledge him and his doctrine…” – 20 September 1996 (p.135)

“…I will dethrone the Rebel (K***); this victory will come with fire and how I wish it were blazing already! but My Church must still receive a baptism and how great is My distress till it is over!…” – 20 September 1996 (p.136)

“… O slaves of the Beast! can you not see how he is leading you slowly and slyly to your destruction? but, plot though you do to harm My Church and weave your plan as you may, you cannot and will not triumph, I will be triumphant in the end; I have already unmasked to the nations part of your plan, and the day the Rebel (K***) will appear, “that day you appear, I will unmask to the nations your entire plan of destruction; I will reveal to the entire world the intentions of your heart….” – 22 October 1996 (p.142)

“…to this day out of the beast’s mouth come out evil productions to darken your children’s minds and draw them as victims right into the lion’s mouth; conquering their young mind to worship the first beast (Freemasonry-EU-K***) and serve man-made gods, giving them the honour and respect that was meant for Me…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.75)

“…they appointed priests out of their own number for the high places who officiate today in the heart of My Sanctuary; and they are not worshipping Me; they pretend to do so; they go out masqueraded as high priests, worshipping and serving the beast itself and its production which is conformed to the world; they are worshipping alien and lifeless gods, just as their fathers once behaved in the past; they flout piety and repudiate My Commandments, My child; they go out to teach all nations to worship the image of mortal man (K***), a worthless imitation, instead of My Eternal Glory … ah! how they lie heavily on Me! with the power given to them by the dragon, they summit their implacable hatred and spirit of revenge by making war against the saints and all those who are not in their clan, and who refuse to worship the statue (K***) of the beast…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.73-74)

Jesus: “…O Cain! Cain? (K***) where is the Spirit with which I endowed you? are you heading for your own destruction again? I had known you violent since the day of your birth, and because you knew that this was not new to Me, here you come masquerading and dressed up as a High Priest (imitating Christ); you have garbed yourself in My clothes, in gold and silver, to hide your darkrobes, given to you by the Black Beast (Freemasonry-EU); you have no light in you, and to hide your hideous face, you have placed a mask on your abominable face, so that your appearance can thoroughly deceive even My Elect; your mask cannot deceive Me, for My Eyes know that behind the lamb’s mask, you are hiding an immense destruction; you have armoured yourself to the teeth with Evil! and now you are scheming to conquer the world, to wipe out the little light that is left in them; your intentions are to increase lawlessness and extirpate all that is Holy, removing powerful men and monopolising My Sanctuary; these, My child, are the Vipers I had shown you in a vision, creeping all over My Holy Sacraments and on My Tabernacle; he will deceive many and people will be blinded, blinded because of his impostor’s garments; these poor souls will be convinced that what they see before their very eyes and in their own era, is the High Priest Himself! with his glorious disguise, he will bring a Great Apostasy upon all My Church, he will bring desolation, but everything will be disguised by miracles, by great portents and signs in the skies; My perpetual Sacrifice (Holy Eucharist) he will fling down, trampling on It and abolishing It, but all in disguise, in malice; My Holy City will be under Cain’s (K***’s) power, because they have rejected My Warnings; I have come to them unexpectedly, bare-footed, but they have scoffed at Me; Cain’s (K***’s) power will last just for a short time, thanks to My beloved souls who repair, who pray and sacrifice themselves; all this, I have taken in consideration and your sacrifices were not in vain; iniquity and transgression can be suppressed with your prayers…” – 30 January 1989 (p.162)

“…Cain’s (K***’s) appointed priests are sent out now to the four corners of the earth, not to bear witness on Me as the Resurrected, nor on My Sacrifice, but to condemn My Word by aping Scriptures, and to teach all nations a False Christ (K***), under a false ecumenism, giving the world a portion of Rationalism and Naturism, a defiled food: a Lie… soon, very soon, I shall come to you like a thief, unexpected, and overthrow the Lie, your False Christ (K***), and place back The Truth; I shall soon come to shatter this false image you are making out of Me, compelling every nation to honour it…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.78)

Jesus: “…are you (K***) still going to parade as the High Priest clad in silver and gold? are you still going to say: I am a god, a Prophet, when your murderers confront you? no, you are a man, and not a god, in the clutches of your murderers! and you will die like the godless at the hand of the foreigners; “you were once an exemplar of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty; you were in Eden, in the garden of God, in the Core of My Sanctuary, but your busy trading has filled you with violence and sin; you have corrupted your wisdom owing to your splendour; by the immense number of your sins, by the dishonesty of your trading, you have defiled My Sanctuary…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.81-82)

“…I am not speaking in metaphors now, I am telling you in plain words that they are conferring a title that does not belong to Me and is not Me; a false Christ (K***), a lifeless image, a false god: subtly hidden under a false ecumenism … but I promise you, My child, that I shall prevail in the end…” – 10 September 1990 (p.85)

“…I am not speaking in parables now but in direct words; the Times are here, those Times foretold in Scripture, when My enemies will be conferring a title that does not belong to Me and is not Me: a false Christ (K***), a lifeless image, a false god; an idol, subtly hidden under a false ecumenism…” – 12 September 1990 (p.88)

“…woe to the followers of the Beast who carved images (K***’s) blaspheming against My seven Spirits! their citadel will become a heap of dust by the Breath of My Mouth!…” – 22 October 1990 (p.106)

“…today I look with dismay from above on this generation’s crimes which now have outdone the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, because your hopes are built on a false Christ (K***)…” – 7 February 1991 (p.143)

“…it is said: you shall have no gods except Me, do not follow other gods, gods of peoples round you, but men have transgressed My Father’s first Commandment declaring their freedom openly by means and encouragements of the black beasts (Freemasonry-EU-K***), upon whose heads will lie the blood of many…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.74)

“…here you (K***) come masquerading and dressed up as a High Priest (imitating Christ); you have garbed yourself in My clothes, in gold and silver, to hide your darkrobes, given to you by the Black Beast (Freemasonry-EU); you have no light in you, and to hide your hideous face, you have placed a mask on your abominable face, so that your appearance can thoroughly deceive even My Elect…” – 30 January 1989

“…but alas for all those who spend their time breaking down and trampling on My altars! alas for those who kill My prophets! alas for these souls! alas for those who follow the black beast (Freemasonry-EU-K***)! alas for all those who reject My warnings, spurn and ignore them! they shall in these days of darkness call to Me, but I will not answer…” – 12 May 1990 (p.42)

“…I am coming to you (Jerusalem) unexpectedly to overthrow you; I am at your very doors now and like lightning I shall descend upon you; you have chosen My adversary’s power and not My grace; you have chosen wickedness relying on the Black Beast (Freemasonry-EU-K***) instead of choosing Me, the Light…” – 25 July 1988 (p.88)

Jesus: “…if this earth mourns, pining away and its trees have no produce and their leaves are withering, it is because you are not obeying My Law; – have I not said: you shall not give false witness or testimony? yet from the core of My Sanctuary where lies the lance’s blade (FalseProphet), where among My Abels are the Cains too, this Commandment is not obeyed too; Cain’s (K***’s) appointed priests are sent out now to the four corners of the earth, not to bear witness on Me as the Resurrected, nor on My Sacrifice, but to condemn My Word by aping Scriptures, and to teach all nations a False Christ (K***), under a false ecumenism, giving the world a portion of Rationalism and Naturism, a defiled food: a Lie…” – 5-29 August 1990 (p.78)

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